
1994, John Smith

Taxi Hub was founded in 1994 by John Smith, a former taxi driver and current entrepreneur. After working for more than 10 years in transportation industry, he decided to establish his own company, which could reflect his interests in the industry of civil transportation.

As a company that operates throughout the USA with a vast and developed partner network, Taxi Hub provides taxicab services in big cities, at many central airports, and other locations. Our service range is constantly developing, and that’s one of the reasons why people love us.

Taxis and cabs have always been my passion since I entered this industry. I’m glad that my dream has not only become a reality, but also helps people all over the US to reach the goals they set using Taxi Hub. I promise that in the future our services will only be better!

Our Team

John Smith


Tom Hudson


Michael Johnson


James Wilkinson

(junior dispatcher)

Will McMillan


Julia Berzkalna


Dennis Black


Sam Richardson

